DIGITAL CertifiCATIon For Trainers, Personnel, Coaches and MANAGERS

Become a persolog® Personality Factor Model trainer now

The Digital Certification for the persolog® Personality Factor Model provides the basis to support people, teams and leaders to better understand themselves and others, to collaborate effectively and to develop personally.
You are already a certified persolog trainer? We have a special offer for you. (Refresher)
You can start any time!
persolog overview Personality Model

We already have many successful companies working with us:

picture persolog Partners

A situational theory approach:

The persolog® personality model
Today, the persolog® Personality Factor Model is located in the area of situation‒theoretical approaches. The difference to the dispositional trait theory approaches is that persolog does not claim to identify and describe distinct personality traits, but to describe situational behavior. For this purpose, the model uses the basis of these four quadrants.
picture the persolog personality Modell

We are absolutely sure that

every person is unique!

picture four people D, I, S and G dimensions
Discover the behavioral dimensions D, I, S and C
D (Dominant), I (Influencing), S (Steady) and C (Cautious).
Get to know and appreciate the uniqueness of others
The persolog® Personality Factor Model is a great basis to get a basic understanding of the different expressions of personalities.
Scientifically founded
Get to know the history and theory behind the persolog® Personality Factor Model.
Convenient tips and tools
After the certification you have a bag full of tools and methods that you can use individually and flexibly. Learn how and where you can use it beneficially in your training, coaching or company.
Get a whole seminar concept
Dive into the depths of the persolog® Personality Factor Model and human behavior. We provide you with a diverse seminar concept that you can use wherever people work together and develop personally.

Our customers' opinion about the persolog® Personality Factor Model

Athanasios Tzampazis
Tzampazis Coaching
On the first day, my expectations were met; on the second, they were exceeded. Now I am a fan of persolog.
Robin Heintze
CEO of morefire
The certification has provided us with a tool that supports us in many ways - from the selection and development of employees and the composition of teams to customer care. The investment has paid off.
Christiane Drha
Union Investment Privatfonds
The certification enables me to better evaluate and solve situations in my professional and private context. My expectations of the certification were exceeded. Friedbert Gay lives for this model and I can now understand why.
Michael Kimmelmann
Owner KoRheMa, Marxzell
With the persolog Personality Factor Model I always achieve special wow moments with my participants and with it I can help them in their everyday life. The cooperation with persolog is a lot of fun and has become almost a friendship. As a trainer, I always get professional support here. Many thanks for that!
Markus Boxleitner
CEO of Dreiflüsse Akademie
The persolog® Personality Factor Model is an important part of our success due to its simplicity and flexibility in application. Persolog, together with its professional team, has been a loyal companion of our academy for years and every contact with them is an enrichment of experience to place our core competence specifically on the market.
Bettina Schell
Sales Coach and CEO of PERSO-train "Erkenne.dich.selbst"
Enabling people to better understand themselves and others is important to me.The knowledge about oneself and others helps to assess situations correctly and to improve relationships. An invaluable asset for successful TEAMS and for each individual.

Learn how you can help people develop their potential, discover their uniqueness and understand others better.

"Everyone is unique. Not better. Not worse. Just different."
In this course, you will learn how to work effectively with other people, regardless of what makes them different and you will be able to help others follow your example. Because most problems in everyday life are based on interpersonal difficulties and misunderstandings.
High quality content
You will learn everything important about our personality Model and receive practical tips and recommendations.
100+ learning units
You get an online course with over 100 learning units from our personality experts.
Unlimited access to the materials
You get unlimited access to the materials and benefit from updates in our online academy.

Get a bag full of tools and methods that you can use individually and flexibly in your training, coaching or business.

The certification for the persolog® Personality Factor Model is a great foundation to get a basic understanding of the different applications of the model. After the certification, you have a bag full of tools and methods that you can use individually and flexibly.
You will learn how you can creatively deepen your knowledge of D, I, S and C in training. Furthermore you will learn how to correctly interpret the result diagrams of the persolog® Personality Factor Profile, which exercises are suitable for getting started, how you can enrich your coaching with the detailed report "Personality in Focus", how you can work with people on their potential and how team development can succeed with the knowledge of D, I, S and C.
picture Bag full of persolog personality tools

Areas of application

of the persolog® Personality Factor Model

For whom is the Certification?

The certification is designed for trainers, consultants, HR managers and coaches who would like to use the persolog® Personality Factor Model in one of the following areas:
Change Management
If people come under pressure in the change process or have inner resistance to change, their behavior in this change process must be closely examined. It is necessary to deal with inner, possibly blocking, beliefs and to find out the causes of inner conflicts, i.e. to become aware of the dynamics between intentions, values and beliefs. All this, as well as an appropriate adaptation of one's own behavior to the new circumstances, can be best ensured with the personality model through various techniques and methods.
"People are hired for their expertise and fired for their personality." There could be no better way to describe the biggest mistake in filling key positions than with this sentence by John Geier. Every new appointment comes with risks. How many unspoken expectations will your candidate face? How suitable is the position, really? Especially if there is more than one decision maker for the key position, you are dealing with numerous unspoken expectations that can end up causing a candidate with potential to fail in the field. Therefore, you need to check the compatibility as best as possible in advance. With the personality model, you can make sure that you find the best match for your key positions.
Human Resources Development
Top employees need to be promoted. The persolog® Personality Factor Model supports the targeted definition of starting points for personality development, so that employees are promoted in the areas in which their strengths lie.
Selling and negotiating
Most of the time, only a little bit is missing to close a big deal. Most salespeople fail to close the deal because they do not respond to their customer's personality - and this is because they neither know their own personality nor recognize that of their customer. Only those who are aware of their own behavioral patterns and also correctly assess those of their customer know how to profitably align the two. The personality model is ideally suited to solve precisely this challenge.
Employee management
80% of the daily work of managers consists of communication. If you want to lead successfully, you have to communicate authentically, clearly and, above all, in a way that is appropriate to the employee. For example, if an employee shows conscientious behavior, it is the manager's task to pick up the employee on his or her communication level - even if the manager's behavioral tendency is dominant, for example. The persolog® Personality Factor Model helps us understand how we succeed in responding to the communication needs of others.
People who come to you for coaching have very different challenges. They want to break through beliefs, change automatisms and, above all, understand more about what happens to their behavior in certain situations. With the persolog® Personality Factor Model you can find concrete starting points that help you and your coachee to achieve the coaching goals.
Team development
Turning average teams into top teams; that's what every manager, entrepreneur and coach wants. Most of the time, teams don't work because of communication problems, unclear role understandings or disruptors. This is exactly where the Personality Model comes in. Make team structures visible with the Personality Model and strengthen the performance of your team.
Whether schools, vocational schools, training companies or associations - all these organizations have a holistic educational mission. A central part of this mission: to promote the spiritual, mental and cognitive development of young people. With the persolog® Teenager-Profile (based on the persolog® Personality Factor Model) you have a tool at hand that supports you in mastering exactly this important challenge. With the certification to the persolog® Personality Factor Model you can also work with this profile.

What makes it worth becoming a persolog Trainer

Here are your top 5 advantages
Get your own
training concept from us
You receive a fully developed training concept from us and so you can directly start with your seminars.
Expand your
network with us
While the certification does not take place in person, we place great emphasis on exchange. We use tools to enable you to exchange with other course participants.
Get access to
promotional material with us
You will have a supportive team behind you. We will provide you with advertising materials to promote your seminars in the best possible way.
Work with
print and digital profiles
With us you are flexible and you can adapt to the wishes of your customers. As a certified trainer, you will receive exclusive training materials, almost all of which are available in both print and digital formats.
Become a part of the unique
persolog Community
If you are a certified persolog trainer, you are part of the trainer community of more than 12,000 people. We are a group that regularly exchanges, supports and motivates each other. We appreciate the familiar and open atmosphere within our community.

Our Personality Experts

guide you through the certification process
Debora Karsch
CEO of persolog GmbH, Author and Coach
Passion for what she does is a basic requirement for her to be successful. She is convinced that real further development is only possible if you dare to do something new.
Vincent Zeylmans
Co-owner and director of persolog Netherlands
Master trainer for persolog certifications. Additionally he is an independent management trainer and coach with a focus on organizational and personnel development and is also an outplacement consultant. Vincent Zeylmans is author of several books and is part of the persolog’s international partner network.
Friedbert Gay
Founder/ CEO of persolog GmbH Author and Coach
The enthusiasm for people and their personalities can be felt from the first moment with Friedbert Gay. Through his engaging and authentic presentation style, he always succeeds in captivating and inspiring his audience.
Viktoria Kulcsar
Partner of persolog GmbH in Hungary & Romania
She holds a PhD in psychology and has done research at Yale University in the US and the University of Jerusalem. As a master trainer she holds persolog certifications and is part of the persolog’s international partner network.
Nathalie Sonntag
Psychologist and Coach
Following her successful studies in psychology, she puts her passion for accompanying people in their individual development into practice through research and training at persolog.
Catalina Mariuta
CEO Hormesys SASU / persolog France
She is a long-time trainer and coach with currently more than 700 days of training, 300 hours of coaching and 19 years in the corporate world. With her company Hormesys SASU she is part of the international partner network and our international partner for France.

Already certified? But you feel a refresher course would be helpful?

Book the digital certification as a refresher now for only 998

If you are already certified for the persolog® Personality Factor Model, you will receive exactly the same benefits with this refresher certification. Secure a high-quality trainer's kit with all training materials. Benefit from unlimited access to our Online Academy and work through the materials at your own pace.

You want more details?

These are the specific contents:
The persolog® Personality Factor Model and Introduction to D, I, S and C (Interpretation Level 1)
Field theory
Johari window
The 4 areas of tension
Personality and environment: the onion model
Fill in our Personality Profil
The quadrant model
The perception model
Case Studies
Appreciate other people
Beyond D, I, S and C (Interpretation Level 2)
The 20 key figures
Action: Reflect on your behavioral tendencies
Case Studies to the 20 behavioral tendencies
Quiz to the 20 behavioral tendencies
The 20 behavioral tendencies in practice
20 behavioral tendencies in action
Around the persolog® Personality Factor Model
The product family around the personality model
persolog online profiles at a glance
Our online platform eport
Overview of the trainer guides
Get to know the trainer guide
Interpretation Level 3: Individual beliefs
What are personal beliefs?
Reflect on individual beliefs
Interpretation Level 4: Intentions
What are your Intentions?
Change your own behavior with Intendocards
Interpretation Level 4 in Training and Coaching
Interpretation Level 5: Internal tension potentials
What is it about in Interpretation Level 5?
Fill in Interpretation Level 5
Interpretation Level 5 in Training and Coaching
Interpretation Level 6: Manage external conflicts
What actually are conflicts?
Fill in Interpretation Level 6
The Interpretation Level 6 in training and coaching
Excursus: Strategy planner for difficult relationships
Interpretation Level 7: Revealing personal strengths within the team
Revealing personal strengths within the team
Strengths and limitations
How collaboration can improve
Case Study
The persolog® Personality Factor Model in Recruiting
Job profile introduction
Print job profile in practice
The Interpretation levels of the job profile at a glance
How to use the job profile
This is what a benchmark discussion can look like in practice
Example interpretation
The online job profile
Get to know personality in focus, strategy planner and other tools
Fill in personality in focus
How to order Personality in Focus
This is how Personality in Focus is structured
A look at your online profile "Personality in Focus"
These are the areas of application
What strategy planners are good for
Strategy Planner Sales & Service
Online version of the strategy planner for sales and service
Strategy planner for employee review
Intendo Cards
Quick Check Behavior
Explanatory videos
persolog Tools

More Questions?

Here are our FAQ
How does the certification process work?
Unlike a face-to-face certification, the digital certification gives you access to the certification on our Online Academy learning platform. You can work through the content at your own pace.
Is it really worth it?
"Is it worth it?" This question we get asked more often than any other. And our answer is always the same: It will be one of the best investments of your life. The know-how and the depth of the persolog® Personality Factor Model will help you in all areas of life. No matter if you are a trainer, a human resource manager, a leader, an entrepreneur or an employee. You gain an understanding of why people are the way they are and why they do what they do. You develop a common language that helps you better manage all situations in life, no matter how easy or difficult.
Afterwards, am I on my own?
Another clear no. A team of 40 people at persolog will help you - with all your questions. With us, you are not stuck in a queue. We are there for you and are more than happy to help you.
What is the difference to the other many D-I-S & C models?
This is not answered in one sentence, but briefly summarized: We got the latest model that the inventor Prof. Dr. John Geier developed. He has improved some things here, e.g. he has separated the questionnaires "most likely" and "least likely". So you get three meaningful charts - which is not the case with many other providers. In addition: We are convinced that behavior is situational and can always change. This means that with us you don't hear "You're red". But rather "You're behaving in a dominant manner." Dealing with this and dividing it into 20 different key figures is extremely helpful in preventing stereotyping.

Register now for the digital certification

Book the persolog® Personality Factor Model certification for € 2.198 plus VAT or
book your Refresher for € 998

About us: We are an academy and a publishing house

We want to develop organizations through people.That's why we certify trainers, coaches, entrepreneurs and executives to work with our learning tools around the topic of social competence and personal development. Furthermore we support trainers in making the leap into the digital training world. Our vision is for people to understand themselves and others even better, to focus on their strengths and to develop themselves further - regardless of the format.
Every day, over 40 brilliant people develop tools and seminars to support people in their personal development, together with trainers, coaches and entrepreneurs. This is how we help companies to be successful.
We are here for you
You are still unsure?
Then please contact us and arrange a consultation. Our sales team will be happy to support you with any uncertainties and questions!