Become a trainer for the persolog® Resilience Organization Model now

In the Digital Certification for the persolog® Resilience Organization Model, you will learn how to increase the resilience of companies. Our Master Trainer and CEO Debora Karsch accompanies you on your way to a resilient organization.
picture persolog Organizational Resilience Profile overview

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The 9 factors of Organizational Resilience

what makes companies resistant

There are many starting points to increase your organization's resilience:

These principles are about helping organizations develop frameworks and a culture that supports resilience. It is also about building on existing forms of risk management to have shared values and awareness of changing contexts, while supported by strong and empowering leadership.
Living vision and goals:
„Start with why“ – Living vision and goals means that a shared vision and common goals shape the thinking and actions of a resilient organization. Vision and goals are communicated unambiguously and across all hierarchical levels.
Strengthen market relations:
This means that a resilient organization not only keeps a constant eye on itself, but also on the context in which it operates: Customer relationships are cultivated, the actions of competitors are analyzed, market developments are recorded and strategic measures are aligned accordingly.
Empowering Leadership:
Encouraging, supportive, and fault-tolerant leaders, as well as a leadership culture that takes hold in uncertain times, strengthen the resilience of the organization. Enabling leadership means that leadership in a resilient organization is based on integrity, effectiveness, and trust.
Create culture:
Supporting each other, a culture of error, commitment to shared values and beliefs and a positive attitude make an organization more resilient.
Share knowledge:
Sharing is caring – sharing knowledge means that information is shared effectively and systematically. This creates the principle of shared-best-practice, which prevents skills and experience from being lost or restricted to individual areas of the organization.
Ensure resources:
Resources are routinely reviewed, continuously expanded and used profitably. Technologies and financial resources are used to improve work processes, eliminate weaknesses and to guarantee the organization's ability to act even when unforeseen events occur.
Interdisciplinary cooperation:
It gets better together - different management disciplines align with the strategic goals of the company. This creates a cross-organizational network that views and supports the organization's resilience from different perspectives.
Continuously improve:
"A little better every day" - means that a resilient organization evaluates its actions and outcomes to learn from experience, identify opportunities, and overcome obstacles.
Change proactively:
Be ready for change is the motto here. A resilient organization has the ability to manage and even anticipate change. It is able to respond to change quickly, flexibly and agilely. In a world where change is the only constant, this ability is of great importance.

„You can't stop the wind,

but you can build windmills.

A resilient organization is like a windmill: It also doesn't let itself be thrown off course by the wind. Rather, its wings transform the wind into the sustainable energy from which it draws its strength and resilience.
picture persolog 9 Factors of a resilient organization

Further development instead of downfall

What defines resilient companies?
Picture of resilient companies windmill on a field
Why do some companies manage to endure the most difficult times, develop further and emerge stronger from crises while others perish without a sound? The answer is organizational resilience.
But what exactly is organizational resilience?
Organizational resilience is the resistance of the organization. Think back to the early days of Covid in March 2020. Some companies handled the situation well, responded to what happened. Kept their vision up. Had enough capable employees to withstand the higher stresses.
Certainly, there are many criteria that determine whether a company is resilient or not. Back in 2017, ISO was developed and published by the International Organization for Standardization. ISO 22316 "Security and resilience Organizational resilience Principles and attributes". Based on this ISO, the persolog team has developed a questionnaire to measure organizational resilience.

What our customers say about the persolog® Resilience Organization Model:

Christina Matt
Trainer and Coach
Anyone who registers for the online certification "Organizational Resilience" can look forward to an exciting, very well structured and extremely diverse learning package! The instructional videos are understandable and entertaining, the exercises are very well explained and thanks to the extensive work material perfectly implementable. The expert interviews round off the topic and the live sessions offer a good opportunity to ask any questions that arise. But also the support during the online learning is super: every question and comment was immediately answered competently. In addition, the Slack platform offers a great opportunity to network and exchange ideas with other participants. Persolog has once again put together something great and I am now looking forward to applying what I have learned in practice and supporting organizations on their way to more resilience.
Udo Kollodzinski
Owner udokollo consulting & coaching
I am delighted with the way the content of the organizational resilience training was delivered. The materials are mature. The video content is highly professional. It has greatly expanded my coaching horizons.

High quality content

You will learn everything important about the resilience organizational factors and receive practical tips and recommendations on how to increase resilience in organizations.

100+ learning units

You will get an online course with over 100 learning units from CEO Debora Karsch and 6 other experts.

Unlimited access to the materials

You get unlimited access to the materials and benefit from updates in our online academy.

Your own organization chart

You'll learn about the persolog® Resilience Organizational Chart and we'll show you how to use it to examine organizations and show them measurable improvements.

Who is the certification for?

The certification is suitable for trainers, consultants, HR managers and coaches who would like to use the persolog® Resilience Organization Model in one of the following areas:
Change Management
If people come under pressure in the change process or have inner resistance to the change, their behavior in this change process must be closely examined. It is necessary to deal with inner, possibly blocking, beliefs and to find out the causes of inner conflicts, i.e. to become aware of the dynamics between intentions, values and beliefs.
"People are hired for their expertise and fired for their personality." There could be no better way to describe the biggest mistake in filling key positions than with this sentence by John Geier. Every new hire brings risk. How many unspoken expectations will your candidate face? How appropriate is the position, really? Especially if there is more than one decision maker for the key position, you are dealing with numerous unspoken expectations that can end up causing a candidate with potential to fail in the field. Therefore, you need to check compatibility as best you can up front.
Human resources development
Employees must be supported. In order to ensure resources in a resilient organization, it is necessary to support the development of employees, but also to look at where the person is needed most.
Employee management
80% of the daily work of managers consists of communication. If you want to lead successfully, you have to communicate authentically, clearly and, above all, in a way that is appropriate for your employees. Encouraging, supportive and fault-tolerant leaders, as well as a leadership culture that also takes hold in uncertain times, strengthen the resilience of the organization.
If you accompany companies in difficult times, then this certification is exactly the right one for you. With the persolog® Resilience Organization Model, you will create an awareness of what makes companies resilient and how companies can master crises.

Why it pays off to become a persolog Trainer

These are your top 5 benefits

Get your

training concept from us

You will receive a fully developed training concept from us and can start directly with your seminars.
Expand your

Network with us

Even if the certification does not take place in presence, exchange is very important to us. We use tools to enable you to exchange with other course participants.
Get access to

promotional material with us

There is a whole team behind you that supports you. We will provide you with advertising materials to promote your seminars in the best way possible.
Work with us with

print and digital profiles

With us you are flexible and can adapt to the wishes of your customers. As a certified trainer, you will receive exclusive training materials, almost all of which are available in both print and digital formats.
Become part of the unique

persolog Community

As a certified persolog trainer, you are part of the trainer community of over 13,000 people. We are a group that regularly exchanges, supports and motivates each other. We appreciate the familiar and open atmosphere within our community.
Our Resilience Organization Experts

accompany you through the certification

Debora Karsch
CEO of persolog GmbH, Autor and Coach
Passion for what she does is a basic requirement for her to be successful. She is convinced that real further development is only possible if you dare to do something new.
Rebecca Schroth
Head of Marketing at persolog GmbH
She is Head of Marketing at persolog GmbH. She studies Business Administration (B.Sc.) and economical Psychology (M.Sc.). In her role as Head of Marketing she is one of the central people at persolog caring about the customer relations.
Alexander Müller
CEO of Greator
He is a passionate speaker, entrepreneur, innovator and multiple start-up entrepreneur. In his presentations and seminars, he relentlessly confronts participants with their challenges. He knows how to give provocative impulses and how to bring the epochal changes of the digital transformation to the point.
Paul Donders
Co-owner and shareholder of persolog Netherlands and Founder xpand International
He is a long-time coach and leadership trainer with a lot of experience in dealing with resilience in organizations. He is the author of 9 books published in 5 different languages.
Nathalie Sonntag
Master Trainer and Psychologist at persolog GmbH
For Nathalie it is important that each and everyone of us is an individual. We all have our strengths but also our weaknesses. But if we know our strengths and we know how to work with them, we can develop ourselves and also develop organizations.
Cias Ferreira
Partner of persolog GmbH in South Africa
Cias Ferreira is a real expert in leadership and resilience development and helps organizations around the world to continuously improve their performance. In order to be able to improve continuously, leadership, customer focus and hunger for learning are important factors for success.
Janez Hudovernik
Director of persolog danadria d.o.o.
He is working in three countries and is using our profiles in different kinds of ways. Janez helps companies and organizations to find structured ways to share knowledge, which makes him a great expert for many years.

You want more details?

These are the concrete contents:
Introduction to the subject
This is how the certification is structured
These are your materials
Exchange with others via Slack
Lesson 1: Where does your organization stand?
Here is where you stand currently
What is resilience?
What is organizational resilience?
Interaction: Resilient organization vs. non-resilient organization
What does resilience mean for your organization?
Check the resilience of your organization
How to get your Resilience Organization Online Profile
Did you get your online "Resilience Organization Profile"?
Excursus: Personal resilience
Lesson 2: The Resilience Organization Model by persolog
Here is where you stand currently
The model briefly introduced
Reflect on your resilience chart
Time to reflect
This is how the Resilience Organization Profile is structured
The print profile
Lesson 3: The complete organization at a glance
This is how the group chart looks like
Group chart understood?
How to use the group chart
If you want to merge different departments
Group chart - How to do this when I work with print
Lesson 4-12: The 9 Organizational Resilience Factors
Live vision and goals
Strengthen market relationships
Empowering leadership
Creating cultures
Sharing knowledge
Securing resources
Cooperate interdisciplinarily
Continuously improve
Change proactively
Lesson 13: Case Studies
What the case studies are about
Case study A: Coaching of a Board of Directors
Case study B: Executive team
Case study C: A complete organization
Case study D: Coaching & consulting of a managing director
Case study E: Coaching & consulting of a plant manager of a company with 15 employees
Lesson 14: Focus on trainer knowledge
Is the profile scientific?
The method pool
The theory
Products around the model
Digital games
Lesson 15: How to use the tools in practice
Make clear the goals of the action before you start
Use case: Coaching
Use case: Workshop with managers or teams
Use case: Employee survey of a team or a complete organization
Lesson 16: FAQ
Where can I find the trainer area?
How do I use the Trainer Lounge?
How do I order in the store?
How do I order an online profile?
Where do I find the prices?
How will I be informed about updates?

Do you have any questions?

Here we have answered frequently asked questions.
How does the certification process work?
Unlike a face-to-face certification, a digital certification gives you unlimited access to our Online Academy. There you can work through the content at your own pace. Our instructors will also accompany you in the Online Academy. Any uncertainties or questions will be answered via the comment function.
Is it really worth it? It's not cheap.
The question "Is it worth it?" is asked more often than any other. The know-how and the depth of the persolog® Resilience Organization Model help you in many areas of life, not only for companies but also for you personally. No matter if you are a trainer, human resource manager, executive or entrepreneur. You will gain an understanding of what makes companies resilient and how you can help your company increase its resilience.
Will I be alone afterwards?
Here, too, a clear no. A team of 40 employees at persolog will help you - with all your questions. With us, you are not stuck in a waiting loop before you get through. We are there for you, on weekdays from 8am-5pm and we are happy to help you.

Secure your place now

in the digital certification for the persolog® Resilience Organization Model
And receive many other great benefits:
Access to all learning units
You will get unlimited access to the Online Academy and the Trainer Lounge.
Extensive material
like Workbook, Reflection Journal and more. You get everything online.
What more could you want - digital certification to the persolog® Resilience Organization Model:
only € 1.298
picture persolog Organizational Resilience Profile overview

Register now for digital

Book the persolog® Resilience Organization Model certification for € 1.298 plus VAT.
Next start dates possible at any time.

About persolog: We are an Academy and a Publishing House

We want to develop organizations through people. That's why we certify trainers, coaches, entrepreneurs and executives to work with our learning tools around the topic of social competence and personal development. Furthermore we support trainers in making the leap into the digital training world. Our vision is for people to understand themselves and others even better, to focus on their strengths and to develop themselves further - regardless of the format.
Every day, over 40 brilliant people develop tools and seminars to support people in their personal development, together with trainers, coaches and entrepreneurs. This is how we help companies to be successful.

We are here for you

You are still unsure?
Then please contact us and arrange a consultation. Our sales team will be happy to support you with any uncertainties and questions!
picture persolog Team Happy