Become a trainer for the

persolog® Team Resilience Model

In the persolog® Team Resilience Model certification, you will learn to strengthen the resilience and crisis security of teams. Our master trainer and CEO Debora Karsch, who herself has two decades of leadership experience, as well as other co-master trainers, will accompany you in this training.
We offer this certification in 2 different formats. You can find more information here.
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Many successful companies already work with us:

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Resilient Teams
flexible, resilient, resistant
Team resilience is not a state, but a permanent cycle that can be divided into different phases before, during and after difficult challenges or changes.
Challenging situations can be successfully overcome if the 6 essential resilience factors in the team are continuously strengthened and promoted. Only in this way can the resilience process be set in motion, successfully passed through, and revived after difficult times.
Grafik persolog Persönlichkeits-Modell

Really strong as a team – even in changes, difficult times & crises

Learn what makes teams resilient.

Bild: Stark als Team: Menschen, die ihre Hände zusammenhalten
There are many starting points to increase the resilience of a team:
The principles developed by persolog® are about helping teams to reflect on themselves quickly and clearly, to find common approaches to strengthen and increase resilience, and thus to become a crisis‒superior team step by step.
Building identity, developing culture
Meaningfulness means that a resilient team is able to live community and commonality in terms of meaning, purpose, and values.
Psychological safety:
Build trust, strengthen connectedness
Psychological safety makes it easier for the team to take personal, interpersonal and economic risks and to think and act openly and without fear in critical situations.
Team Effectiveness:
Having optimism, overcoming challenges
Team effectiveness describes a collective belief in effectiveness. This means that a resilient team knows its strengths and has a shared belief in its own ability to overcome even complex tasks, hurdles and adversities.
Clarity and structure:
Clarify expectations, shape communication
Clarity & structure means that a resilient team has certainty in difficult times about what needs to be done and what the responsibilities are.
Action and solution orientation:
Change proactively, be adaptable
Action and solution orientation means remaining proactive even in adverse situations and looking for a common solution.
Coping with experiences, reflecting on experiences
With Teamlearning, experienced setbacks are considered a natural part of the learning process and future-oriented conclusions are drawn from these experiences.

What our customers say about the persolog® Team Resilience Model

Isabelle Weyand
Consulting • Coaching • Seminars
My certification Team Resilience: Absolutely worthwhile! With Debora as a competent seminar leader, we participants have the opportunity to intensively learn together about, discuss and apply the exciting content on team resilience. A brilliant group meets brilliant topics. Team resilience now completes the resilience package at persolog. It doesn't get any better than this. Thank you!
Helmut Martin
Würzburger Business Coach Academy
As a cultural developer and coach, the model gives me many opportunities to specifically support and strengthen teams in their development. It has a clear structure, is easy to understand and has a large repertoire of practical exercises and methods. From my point of view it´s very successful!
Udo Kollodzinski
Owner udokollo - Consulting & Coaching
I am delighted with the way the content of the training is conveyed. The materials are mature. The video content is highly professional. My coaching horizons have expanded greatly as a result.
General overview

the persolog® Team Resilience certification

Grafik Gesamtübersicht Teamresilienz-Zertifizierung
Operational areas

the persolog® Team Resilience Model

The certification is suitable for trainers, consultants, HR managers and coaches who would like to use the persolog® Team Resilience Model in one of the following areas:
Change Management
Wenn Menschen im Veränderungsprozess unter Druck geraten oder inneren Widerstand gegen die Veränderung haben, muss das Verhalten in diesem Veränderungsprozess genau unter die Lupe genommen werden. Man muss sich mit inneren ggf. blockierenden Überzeugungen auseinandersetzen und die Ursachen für innere Konflikte herausfinden, also sich die Dynamik zwischen Absichten, Werten und Überzeugungen bewusst machen.
Personnel selection/Recruiting
„Menschen werden wegen ihrer Fachkompetenz eingestellt und wegen ihrer Persönlichkeit entlassen.“ Besser als mit diesem Satz von John Geier könnte man den größten Fehler in der Besetzung von Schlüsselpositionen nicht beschreiben. Jede Neubesetzung bringt Risiken mit sich. Mit wie vielen unausgesprochenen Erwartungen wird dein Kandidat konfrontiert? Wie passend ist die Stelle wirklich? Vor allem, wenn es mehr als einen Entscheider für die Schlüsselposition gibt, hast du es mit zahlreichen unausgesprochenen Erwartungen zu tun, die am Ende dazu führen können, dass ein Kandidat mit Potenzial in der Praxis scheitert. Daher musst du vorneweg die Kompatibilität bestmöglich prüfen.
Human Resources Development
Mitarbeiter müssen gefördert werden. Um bei einem resilienten Team auch die Ressourcen sicher zu stellen, muss unter anderem die Entwicklung der Mitarbeiter unterstützt werden aber auch geschaut werden, wo die Person am meisten gebraucht wird.
Employee management
Die tägliche Arbeit von Führungskräften besteht zu 80% aus Kommunikation. Wer erfolgreich führen will, muss authentisch, klar und vor allem mitarbeitergerecht kommunizieren. Ermutigende, unterstützende und fehlertolerante Führungskräfte, sowie eine Führungskultur, die auch in unsicheren Zeiten greift, stärken die Resilienz im Team.
Mit dem persolog® Teamresilienz-Modell schaffst du ein Bewusstsein, was ein resilientes Team ausmacht und wie Krisen bestmöglich gemeistert werden können.

Why it is worth becoming a persolog Trainer

These are your top 5 benefits

Get your
Training concept
You will receive a fully developed training concept from us and can start directly with your seminars.
Expand your
Even if the certification does not take place in presence, exchange is very important to us. We use tools to enable you to exchange with other course participants.
Get your
Access to promotional material
Behind you is a whole team that supports you. We will provide you with advertising materials to promote your seminars in the best possible way.
Work with our
Print and digital Profiles
With us you are flexible and can adapt to the wishes of your customers. As a certified trainer, you will receive exclusive training materials, almost all of which are available in both print and digital formats.
Be part of our
persolog Community
As a certified persolog trainer, you are part of the trainer community of over 13,000 people. We are a group that regularly exchanges, supports and motivates each other. We appreciate the familiar and open atmosphere within our community.

Our Teamresilience-Experts

accompany you through your certification

Debora Karsch
Executive director of persolog GmbH, Author und Coach
Passion for what she does is a basic requirement for her to be successful. She is convinced that real further development is only possible if you dare to do something new.
Prof. Dr. Dirk Wolff
persolog Mastertrainer and Professor at the College of Foresty in Rottenburg
His strength lies in structuring and describing complex contexts and relationships. He likes things to be clearly stated and therefore enjoys helping to ensure clarity. This approach characterizes his trainings, coachings and seminars.
Rebecca Schroth
persolog Mastertrainer and Head of Marketing
People fascinate her. For Rebecca, it is always exciting to find out how different people's experiences and behavior can be. She is interested in how people decide, judge or solve problems.

There is something for everyone

You can go through our certifications in these formats

BASIC: The Digital Certification

Become independent with our flexible online academy. In our digital certifications, you experience your trainer online. Through many short videos and quizzes, the content is taught to you step by step. We work with modern tools and thus create a diversified training. You can start at any time.
Icon digitale Zertifizierung

SELECT: The Blended Learning Certification

With this type of certification, you get unlimited access to all digital learning units of the Team Resilience Model Certification. In our online academy, you can learn the content of the certification flexibly at your own pace. In doing so, you have the opportunity to participate in 6 live sessions via Zoom with one of our master trainers.
"Time is money" as the saying goes: If you want to be flexible, save yourself the travel to and from a face-to-face event and still want to be personally accompanied, then this type of certification is exactly the right one for you:
Icon Blended Learning

PREMIUM: The Presence / Live‒Online Certification

We offer nationwide presence and live-online certifications for the persolog® Team Resilience Model. Our master trainers convey the learning content in an entertaining and interesting way. Besides new approaches you will also get to know other participants in person. In this format, certification takes place on 2 consecutive days on-site or online via Zoom.
Find dates near you:
Icon Präsenz/Live-Online Zertifizierung

VIP: The Individual Certification

All our certifications can also be booked as individual certifications. You would like to work on a topic particularly intensively or the dates for the open certifications do not fit your schedule? Then book an individual coaching with one of our master trainers - individually tailored to your needs. You decide whether this should take place in presence or online.
Icon Einzel-Zertifizierung
Secure the certification

Your investment in your Certification

It´s your choice: Choose the format that best suits you and your environment.
Icon digitale Zertifizierung
Digital Certification
1.298 Euro
Digital certification in our Online Academy
Access to the new Trainer Lounge
Trainer's guide (background knowledge, method pool and training outlines)
Training material at a special price (save over 50 %)
Icon Einzel-Zertifizierung
Individual Certification
2.998 Euro
1-day individual certification
Individual focus topics possible
Digital certification in our Online Academy
Access to the new Trainer Lounge
Trainer guide (background knowledge, method pool and training outlines)
Training material at a special price (save over 50 %)
What is resilience?
The 3 Levels of Resilience
Originally, the term 'resilience' or 'resilire' comes from Latin and means "to spring back, bounce off, rebound," but also "to contract, shrink". A related word, 'resistere', can be translated as "to resist" "to withstand". In English, 'resilient' describes material properties such as 'elastic' or 'indestructible' and is used to describe the ability of a material to return to its former shape after being deformed by pressure or tension. The term thus illustrates a system's tolerance to internal or external disturbances. A resilient system can compensate for or endure irritation while maintaining its own integrity.
1. Level
Individual Resilience
On an individual level, resilience looks at the resilience of individuals. It is about the resources that a person brings with him or her and how these can be built upon to survive crises and challenges.
2. Level
Team Resilience
When defining team resilience, a distinction can be made between resources and processes. A resilient team recovers more quickly from crises or other threats. A resilient team is flexible and can react quickly to changes.
3. Level
Organizational Resilience
The third level of resilience is organizational resilience. This looks at the resilience of a company. But what factors determine how resilient a company is?

You still have questions?

We have answered frequently asked questions.

Is it really worth it? It is not quite cheap.
Die Frage „Lohnt sich das denn?“ wird uns so oft gestellt, wie keine andere. Das Know-How und die Tiefe des persolog® Teamresilienz-Modells helfen dir in vielen Lebensbereichen weiter, nicht nur für Teams auch dir persönlich. Egal ob du Trainer, Personaler, Führungskraft oder Unternehmer bist. Du bekommst ein Verständnis dafür, was eine resiliente Persönlichkeit ausmacht, und wie du Menschen und Teams dabei unterstützt ihre Widerstandskraft zu steigern.
Am I then in the subscription trap?
Klares Nein. Und klarer Unterschied zu vielen anderen Anbietern. Wir sind so überzeugt von unseren Produkten, dass wir dich nicht zwingen Mindestmengen abzunehmen oder weitere Kurse zu besuchen. Du machst die Zertifizierung und hast dann die Möglichkeit, Online-Profile und Print-Profile einzukaufen und zu nutzen. Wenn du aber ein Jahr mal keine brauchst – was natürlich unwahrscheinlich ist – dann ist das kein Problem. Du entscheidest.
Will I be left alone afterwards or get help?
Auch hier ein klares Nein. Ein 40-Köpfiges Team bei persolog hilft dir weiter – bei allen Fragen. Bei uns hängst du nicht in der Warteschleife fest und bist schon auf 180 bevor du durchkommst. Wir sind für dich da, werktags von 8-17 Uhr und helfen dir gerne weiter.

About persolog: We are an academy and publisher

We want to develop organizations through people. That's why we certify trainers, coaches, entrepreneurs and executives to work with our learning tools around the topic of social competence and personal development and support trainers in making the leap into the digital training world. Our vision is for people to understand themselves and others even better, to focus on their strengths and to develop themselves further - regardless of the format.
Over 40 bright minds work every day to develop tools and seminars to support people in their personal development, together with trainers, coaches and entrepreneurs. This is how we help companies to be successful.

We are here for you

You are still unsure?
Then contact us and arrange a consultation appointment. Our sales team will be happy to support you with any uncertainties and questions!
Bild persolog Beratungsteam Happy